
By purchasing and downloading font software from alphabeet.at or opening the content of font packages and the font files you agree to the terms and conditions in the related end user licence agreements (E.U.L.A.)


Desktop- & Web-Fonts

The font software delivered by alphabeet.at comes in zip-packages. You have to unzip these packages to get able to install and use the files. Therefore open (by double clicking) the .zip-files you got and if asked confirm again to extract all files. If you have problems opening the .zip-file, please search for (free) Utilities to unpack such files. To install the fonts on your system, open (by double clicking) the font files (.otf or .ttf files) or add the fonts to your font manager / font collection by open and install it into such an application or copie and paste the files into corresponding folders.

Please ensure that the usage of the fonts follows all terms and conditions written in the end user licence agreement.